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Keen Learners - Montessori


Full-day programs are from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.

We provide snacks for free and hot lunch for all programs for an additional charge. Click here for a sample menu.

Pre-K   and


4 years to 1st

grade entry


Three year olds

Two year olds


We offer full-day and half-day programs that are




days a week.


Two year olds

Preschool-2 curriculums have detailed weekly themes.


Every week a new topic such as shapes, animals, food/nutrition, seasons, etc is introduced to the class. Worksheets according to the child’s level are given for practice to reinforce the concepts taught in class.

Students need to be 2 years old to join this program but don’t need be potty trained. 

The teacher to student ratio is 1:8. We keep our students busy with engaging activities and introduce them to Montessori curriculum such as practical life, sensorial, language, math, science, geography etc. are taught.  Students learn letters, counting, shapes, sounds, music/dancing, arts & crafts and much more.



Three year olds

Students need to be at least 2 years and 10 months and fully potty trained to enroll in the program. The classrooms have student ratio of 1:12.

We provide individual and group lessons with all the Montessori activities practical life, sensorial activities, language, math and cultural topics. 

Topics such as as planets, reptiles, amphibians, community helpers etc are taught. A math, language, writing, science and geography related worksheets are completed each day in school.

Students' progress is tracked and consulted with the parents in parent teacher conferences, held twice a year.


Pre-Kindergarten & 

 Kindergarten Program

4 years to 1st grade entry

Students need to be 4 years by the month of December to join the program. The teacher to student ratio is 1:12.


All Montessori activities and materials will be provided as mentioned above along with progress reports and evaluation forms from teachers of the children's’ completed work in the parent teacher conferences. 

Each student's development will be discussed with the parent. We encourage intellectual, cognitive, social and emotional growth to prepare students for elementary education.

Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Program
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